
AFDAS Formation Professionnelle - comment utiliser ses droits AFDAS avec un plan de Formation. (French Professionnal training continued education rights.)

FAQ / Questions usuelles

Audition ? comment s’inscrire ?
Qui sont les participants ?
Quel âge ?
Professionnels ?
Français seulement ?
Expérience de la VOIX ?
Devenir Professeur de Voix ?
Hommes, Femmes ?
Quand commencer ?
Stages ailleurs qu’à Paris ?
Dates exactes ?
Etudes ? conférences, mémoires, doctorats…
Bourses ?
Auditions? How to register?
Who are the participants?
Age range?
French only?
Vocal Experience?
How to become a Voice Teacher?
Men, Women?
When to start?
Acting Choreographic Theatre Singing
Training courses elsewhere than in Paris?
Subjects, Conferences, Papers, Theses …


Commentaires de collaborateurs et participants aux stages et programmes de formation
Comments by collaborators and workshop and training participants
Comentarios de colaboradores y participantes a los talleres

BOURSES d'ETUDES et possibilités de réductions
Becas de estudios y posibilidades de descuentos.
Scholarships and possible reductions

Notes written by Naïma Phillips - Pantheatre Summer University 2007.
Naïma Phillips is a playwriter and actress, organizer of the Montréal PANTHEATRE events.




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