Summer    2014      Pantheatre's 2 events

Malérargues   &   Paris

Professional Workshops & Cultural Studies

Malérargues ( Roy Hart Centre, Southern France) July 1 - 12

Château de Malérargues      Roy Hart Centre   Photos

Paris (Studio DTM), July 25 - August 5

Studio DTM   6 rue de la Folie Méricourt, 75011 Paris  Métro St. Ambroise  Photos

check     the poster    &    the programme


The theme:



See also  2013 Festival Archives and Homage to James Hillman

History and Archives of the Festival


Discounts and priority to those who register for the 2 SUMMER 2014 projects

Nota: Linda Wise's The Art of Interpretation workshop is full.


Château de Malérargues
Roy Hart International Artistic Centre
(Southern France)  Photos of Malérargues


Studio DTM
6 rue de la Folie Méricourt, 75011 Paris
Métro St. Ambroise


Roy Hart Centre
Southern France

The "classic" festival structure with workshops, master classes, lectures and performances.

"The voice is always a dream"   :   emphasis on Roy Hart, Voice & Dream(s)

12 days with three half-days rest. 6 hours of workshops per day plus evening lectures and performances.

mornings : Linda Wise
afternoons : Enrique Pardo
evenings : lectures, performances

Invitated guests: Anna Griève, Daniela Molina, Pierre-François Blanchard, Marion Rampal, Sarah Quintana, Barbara Biscaro, Laura Fuentes, Audrey Pernell and other artists (to be confirmed.)

July 1 to 12 2014

Arrivals Monday June 30
Departures Sunday July 13



9:00 - 10:00
Mouvement classes
10:00 - 13:00
Linda Wise - atelier and voice lessons in small groups
14h30 - 17h

Enrique Pardo - master classes

Performances, lectures, debates

Linda Wise :  Voice Performance

Mornings , preceeded by warming-up sessions.

Voice training: working all together, and divided into two or three groups for individual vocal work

Enrique Pardo  :   Choreographic Theatre

Afternoons : master classes with the intervention of different musicians.

In collaboration with Daniela Molina and Pierre-François Blanchard


Fee 850€
Reduction 600€ : Pantheatre active members / students under 30 (documented proof.)

Reduction: under 30
active members of Pantheatre
registrations to the 2 Summer 2014 projects

Write to PANTHEATRE; Include a brief CV and a motivation letter if this is your first time working with Pantheatre.

Confirmation - Deposit: if your application is accepted, your place will be reserved . It will be confirmed on receipt of a deposit of 200€ payable to "Pantheatre".

Refunds are possible until June 4, minus 50€ administrative costs.

Payment - See:

Housing - IMPORTANT   book at the earliest. Check PRACTICAL INFORMATIONS . A limited number of places are available in the lodgings of the Roy Hart Centre. CONTACT


Travel - Via Nîmes, Montpellier or Marseille .

Check  and practical information on the website of the Roy Hart Centre

Arrivals Monday, June 30 Departures Sunday, July 13.



Studio DTM

DREAM(s) and Choreographic Theatre

Enrique Pardo will direct an intensive laboratory on choreographic theatre, which will include oratory times (lectures, images and debates)

12 days with 3 half-days rest

July 25 to August 5

Opening Friday, July 25 at 9:30.
Closing evening of Tuesday, August 5.

Limited to 16 participants.


Laboratoire / Oratoire



10:00 - 11:00

Physical and vocal warm-up, Daniela Molina

11:00 - 12:30
Voice training and vocal performance
Linda Wise / Daniela Molina / Pierre-François Blanchard
14:00 - 17:30
Intensive laboratory and oratories (theory seminars)  Enrique Pardo
Performances, lectures (4 or 5 evenings planned)

In collaboration with Linda Wise, Anna Grieve, Daniela Molina, Pierre-François Blanchard, Marion Rampal, Laura Fuentes and other guest artists and speakers (to be confirmed).

Special performing guest : Sean Edward Lewis / LILAC CO  New York

As much as the Malérargues Festival is a "festive" context, this laboratory will be a context of "labour", i.e. intense physical training and research - with "oratory" moments for reflection, study and discussion.

It will also include "oratory" moments : guest conferences and performance presentations.

Mornings: voice and physical training and research, shared with moments of voice lessons with individual attention in two or three groups (using both DTM studios)

Afternoons: laboratories and oratories by Enrique Pardo with invited artists and thinkers .


Fee 700€

Discounts: under 30
Pantheatre active members
registrations to the 3 Summer 2014 projects

Write directly to Enrique Pardo. If you have not worked with him, please include a brief CV and a motivation letter.

Confirmation - Deposit: participation will be confirmed no later than May 1st 2014. If your application is accepted, your place will be reserved. It will be confirmed on receipt of a deposit of 200€ payable to "Pantheatre".

Refunds are possible until June 30, 2014, less 50€ for administrative costs.

Payment - See:

Lodging in Paris

Participants needing lodging will be put in touch with friends and artists who are subletting their flats.

Check also




The new DTM Studio is ideal for this project, and Paris in this period, particularly propitious. Photos



Cubism as in Cuba - article by Enrique Pardo

Some proposed themes

Roy Hart's dreams and the dream-nightmares of the 20th century:
communism, fascism, sectarianism.

Art and DREAM(s), the art of DREAM(s), the DREAM(s) of art.

Non-narrative theater / Dream dramaturgies
Surrealism / The old lady and Peter Pan - the case of Robert Wilson
DREAM(s) - choreographic theater & voice performance.
Dreams, poiesis and the implications of collage
Three DREAM(s) -VOICE masters: Roy Hart, James Hillman, Jacques Derrida
The issue of interpréation - of critical interpretation.
Two founding books: Pan and the Nightmare, The Dream and the Underworld.
Three quotations:
DREAM(s) theories, from Artemidorus and the Talmud to neuroscience.
The dream ethics of Tobie Nathan.
"The voice is always a dream voice" (Mladen Dolar).
The Dream and the Underworld - the thought of James Hillman and the legacies of Freud and Jung.
"The search for the voice in speech - this is thinking" (Giorgio Agamben)
"Avoid being understood too quickly for fear of not being heard" (Tobie Nathan).






Enrique Pardo / Gaëtan Emeraud / Anna Griève  on Théâtre Chorégraphique

LAMENT Extracts
from James Hillman / Sonu Shamdasani dialogues to be published August 2013

Roy Hart et l'Esprit du Chant - documents préparatoires

see also ARCHIVES Festival 2012 dedicated to James Hillman

Historique et Archives du Festival

In 334 BC a statue of Orpheus was found drenched in sweat, in Pieria, Macedonia. For the deviner Aristander of Telmessos this prodigy meant that poets and singers would have to toil and sweat in order to account for and celebrate the exploits of the Macedonian prince who had just been born: Alexander the Great.




An ideal flat for artistic residences with piano check LINK


- Site map -