Founded in 1981 by Enrique Pardo, co-directed with Linda Wise, Pantheatre was the first independent company to emerge from the Roy Hart Theatre. It included the voice work in choreographic theatre (through corporal mime, dance and actor's physical training in the Grotowsky / Odin lineage.) It was deeply inspired by the cultural ideas of archetypal psychology, especially those of its founder, James Hillman.
Based in Paris (October to March), and at Malérargues, the Roy Hart International Arts Centre, in Southern France (May to September), where it organizes study and training residencies, workshops and the Myth and Theatre Festival (July)
A context for research and creation based on two working principles : voice performance and choreographic theatre.
ROY HART PARIS - specializing in voice training and leading to the diploma of Roy Hart Voice Teacher. INFORMATION
Myth and Theatre Festival
Founded with James Hillman, Pantheatre's first Myth and Theatre Festivals took place in Malérargues, in 1987 and 1989. It then was a festival in residence at La Chartreuse of Villeneuve lez Avignon (CNES) till 1999, travelling thereafter to New Orleans , Ireland , Umbria ( Italy ), Granada ( Spain ). In 2005 it returned to Malérargues for an annual Summer University. INFORMATION
Roy Hart Theatre
1969 - 1989
A theatre group and company founded around Roy Hart in London in 1969, it moved to Malérargues , France , in 1974 in a communitarian venture (40 members.) After Roy Hart's death in 1975, it pursued collective artistic creations for some years, and, in 1989, a collective decision was taken to dissolve the company and not to use the name Roy Hart Theatre for artistic productions
Roy Hart
1926 - 1975
Born in South Africa , Roy Hart studied theatre in London (RADA) and worked with Alfred Wolfsohn, whose work he developed leading a small group of Wolfsohn's pupils to what became the Roy Hart Theatre. A charismatic actor and exceptional vocalist, he worked with some of the leading avant-garde composers of the 1960s.
Alfred Wolfsohn
1896 - 1962
German Jewish teacher and philosopher of the voice, Alfred Wolfsohn emerged with severe war trauma syndromes from World War I. He travelled to Italy where the contact with Renaissance art inspired his approach to singing and lead to his explorations of the psycho-somatics of the voice.
PANTHEATRE has a Library at Malérargues specialized in the relationships between mythology and theatre. It includes a section on the voice, and on cultural and mythical studies of the voice. It has archive videos of productions linked to PANTHEATRE.
Most of the archive material (written, recorded, filmed) by and on Alfred Wolfsohn, Roy Hart, and Roy Hart Theatre is available through the Roy Hart Centre Archives. You can also visit an archives site assembled and presented by Paul Silber and Clara Harris, both members of the original Roy Hart Theatre.
PANTHEATRE Virtual Library will be available Summer of 2023. See main site.
Articles by Enrique Pardo and Linda Wise
The literature on Roy Hart Theatre, Roy Hart and Alfred Wolfsohn is mostly historical.
Some publications:
Noah Pikes : Dark Voices - The Genesis of the Roy Hart Theatre.
Marianne Ginsbourger : La Voix de l'Inouï - Le Souffle d'Or, France 1996.
Laurent Colomb : Le Roy Hart Theatre - contribution à une étude pluridisciplinaire de la voix. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris 8, Vincennes St Denis. 2000.
Paul Newham : The Prophet of Song: the life and work of Alfred Wolfsohn - Tiger's Eye Press, UK 1997.
Orlanda Cook : Singing with your own voice - Nick Hern Books Ltd. UK 2004.
to be updated
PANTHEATRE offers a PERFORMANCE DIPLOMA and the possibility of obtaining the Roy Hart Voice Teacher Certification. especially for what is commonly known as 'Roy Hart' teachers (no longer the official title).
Regarding artistic work, Pantheatre's position remains clear since 1989 when the "Roy Hart Theatre" label was dissolved: the name of Roy Hart should not be used for performance credits. Artistic projects should go under the sole identity and responsability of the individuals and companies concerned.
Malérargues (Gard)
Roy Hart Centre
Château de Malérargues, in the Cevennes foothills, was bought by members of the Roy Hart Theatre in 1975, and was later named Roy Hart International Arts Centre; it hosts the festival, workshops and residential projects of Pantheatre, in its theatre space and six working studios. PHOTOS
An ideal flat for artistic residences with piano check LINK |