
A Memorial Page

Elizabeth Mayer      
18/11/1936 - 08/12/2009


14 / 12/ 2019


Le dimanche 8 décembre 2019 marque le dixième anniversaire de la mort de Liza.
Sunday December 8 2019 is the tenth anniversary of Liza's passing.


Hommage à Liza Mayer

Samedi, 14 décembre, de 19h à 21h
Chez Linda et Enrique, Bd Voltaire M° St Ambroise       merci de réserver

Un moment entre amis à la mémoire de Liza Mayer, pour les dix ans de son décès. Comédienne et chanteuse : une voix exceptionnelle à tous niveaux.

Nous allons ensuite aller dîner dans un restaurant dans le voisinage. Merci de réserver (email ou SMS). Vous recevrez d'autres informations, notamment sur une brève présentations que je ferai sur Ulysse: Liza avait un net faible pour lui. Ce sera aussi mon introduction aux séminaires 2020 : Etudes Archétypales.

Sa façon de présider PANTHEATRE était tout simplement un plaisir, un plaisir rassurant, délicieusement chaotique parfois, mais toujours une source d'inspiration et d'enthousiasme. Elle fut, on peut le dire, notre muse-présidente.
Homage to Liza Mayer

Saturday, December 14, from 7 to 9 pm
Chez Linda & Enrique, Bd Voltaire M° St Ambroise        please book

An evening with friends in memory of Liza Mayer, on the occasion of the ten years of her death. Actress and singer: an exceptional voice, at all levels.

Afterwards we will share a meal in a neighborhood restaurant.  Please book with us (email or texto). You will receive more information, especially about a brief talk I will give on Liza's special liking of Ulysses.., It will also serve as my introduction to the 2020: Archetypal Studies.

"The way she presided PANTHEATRE - she was our president - was simply a pleasure, a reassuring pleasure, deliciously chaotic, at times, always a source of inspiration and enthusiasm. We can say she was our muse-president."



Liza left us on Tuesday, December 8, 2009, in the evening. She passed away peacefully in her apartment in Malérargues to which she returned that same day from the Bonnefon Clinic in Alès. Aware that these were her last days, she had asked to return home. Tuesday midday she arrived  to see the sun, the trees, her friends, her apartment. Later that afternoon she gradually fell asleep and left us.

Our loss and sorrow are simply infinite - for ever and un-finished. The way she presided over PANTHEATRE - she was our president - was simply a delight, a reassuring pleasure, deliciously chaotic sometimes, always inspiring and enthusiastic. She was our presiding muse, you could say. It was Liza also who first pointed out Pan to me in the late 70s. I might find again the specific passages in E.M.Foster (Passage to India?), Laurence Durrel, D.H.Lauwrence, and other authors we talked about then. Liza bought me James Hillman's "The Dream and the Underworld" around that time, just as I was discovering "Pan and the Nightmare" and Rafael Lopez-Pedraza's "Hermes and his Children", the source books of PANTHEATRE.

At the funerary ceremony in Alès on Friday December 11th I spoke of her love of the tradition of "Days and Labours", after Hesiod - which in many ways is a Demeterian tradition. Liza was Demeter. She personified the Goddess in a performance titled simply "Demeter" and sang, unforgettably, what for many of us remains the 'divine' version of de Falla's flamenco lullaby "Duermete Lucerito". Haim Isaacs sang it at the ceremony.

Every time Liza went for a walk she returned with four-leaved clovers. Demeter's Roman name is Ceres, Goddess of cereals and farmer's "days and labours". She presided over the day's labours, be they the rewards of harvests, or the fatigue of hardships. When someone was working hard say during a harvest, he or she might feel a presence and look up to discover a magnificent lady amongst the team. It was the Goddess who had rolled up her sleeves and was toiling in all earnestness and concentration. Later she would join the festivities, the wine, the singing, the fireside chat, a toss in the hay - why not! - and the falling asleep.

This will be a memorial page dedicated to divine Liza. It will include extracts from the many farewell notes she recieved, as well as photos, writings, maybe an extract of Demeter and her voice singing...  "Duermete niño, duerme, duerme mi alma, duermete lucerito de la mañana". (Sleep, my child, sleep, sleep my soul, sleep sweet morning star...)

"Sweet dreams Liza. You'll be deeply missed and always remembered with love"

Malérargues, December 12, 2009


with Linda, Natacha and Liza's PANTHEATRE friends

Liza nous a quittés dans la soirée du mardi 8 décembre 2009. Elle est décédée paisiblement dans son appartement de Malérargues auquel elle était retournée le jour même, de la clinique Bonnefon à Alès. Consciente que c’étaient ses derniers jours, elle avait demandé à rentrer chez elle. Mardi midi elle est arrivée pour voir le soleil, les arbres, ses amis, son appartement. Plus tard dans l'après-midi, elle s'endormit peu à peu et nous quitta.

Notre perte et notre chagrin sont simplement infinis - pour toujours et non-finis. La façon dont elle a présidé PANTHEATRE - elle était notre présidente - était tout simplement un plaisir, un plaisir rassurant, délicieusement chaotique parfois, toujours une source d'inspiration et d'enthousiasme. On pourrait dire qu’elle était notre muse-présidente. Ce fut Liza aussi qui la première m’a fait remarquer Pan, dans les années 70. Je pourrais retrouver les passages spécifiques d’E.M. Foster (Passage to India?), de Laurence Durrel, de D.H. Lauwrence, et d'autres auteurs dont nous parlions à l’époque. C’est aussi à cette époque que Liza m'a acheté The Dream and the Underworld (Le rêve et les Enfers) de James Hillman, alors que je venais de découvrir son Pan et le Cauchemar, et Hermes et de ses Enfants de Rafael Lopez-Pedraza, les livres fondateurs de PANTHEATRE.

Lors de la cérémonie funéraire à Alès, le vendredi 11 décembre, j'ai parlé de son amour de la tradition de Des jours et des Labours d’Hésiode, qui, à bien des égards, est une tradition démétérienne. Liza était Déméter. Elle a incarné la déesse dans un spectacle intitulé tout simplement Déméter et chanté – c’est inoubliable - ce qui pour beaucoup d'entre nous reste la version «divine» de la berceuse flamenco de Falla : Duermete Lucerito. Haim Isaacs l’a chantée lors de la cérémonie.

Chaque fois que Liza allait faire une promenade elle revenait avec des trèfles à quatre feuilles. Le nom romain de Déméter est Cérès, déesse des céréales et des « jours et labeurs » champêtres. Elle présidait aux travaux journaliers, qu'il s'agisse des fruits de la récolte ou de la fatigue du travail. Quand quelqu'un travaillait dur pendant une récolte, par exemple, il ou elle pouvait tout d’un coup sentir une présence à proximité, lever le regard et découvrir une dame magnifique au travail au sein de l'équipe. C’était la déesse elle-même qui avait retroussé ses manches et travaillait en toute concentration. Plus tard, elle pouvait se joindre aux festivités, au vin, aux chants, aux causeries au coin du feu, ou à un câlin dans le foin - pourquoi pas! – pour ensuite s’assoupir et s’endormir paisiblement.

Cette page est dédiée à la mémoire de Liza la divine. Elle inclut des extraits des nombreuses notes d'adieu qu’elle reçut, ainsi que de photos, des écrits, peut-être un extrait de Déméter et de sa voix qui chantait ... "Duermete niño, duerme, duerme mi alma, Duermete Lucerito de la mañana". (Dors, mon enfant, dors, dors mon âme, dors douce étoile du matin...)

"Fais de beaux rêves Liza. Tu nous manqueras terriblement et nous chérirons ta mémoire avec amour.

Malérargues, le 12 Décembre, 2009.


avec Linda, Natacha et les amis de Liza.

Liza's last biography notes on this website - written around 2003.


Actress -Singer -Voice teacher - Founder member of Roy Hart Theatre - Founder member and President of Pantheatre.

Liza Mayer left academia to join the avant-garde of voice research in London in the sixties. A dedicated pupil of the first visionaries (Wolfsohn and Hart), she was an active member of the Roy Hart Theatre, and worked as an actress in their acclaimed performances during the 60's and 70's - Recognizing as much prejudice in the screaming, voice breaking avant-garde as had been attributed to the schools of classical singing, she worked with Phoniatres and Orthophonists in France, and studied classical singing with Patricia Palamara and Robert Sentieys. She also studied movement and dance with Dominique Dupuy and other dancers and choreographers.

Beyond a uniquely experienced and balanced pedagogy, (including voice therapy, and dance), her capacity to transport her own voice into deep and moving realms evokes those qualities known as soul, or duende. (Extract from 1997 "The Enemy" Myth and Theatre Festival brochure).

She has collaborated and taught with Reinhild Hoffman's Cie in Bochum, Germany, the Festival of Archetypal Psychology in Indiana USA, the International Workshop Festival in London, and she teaches regularly in Pantheatre's Annual 6 Week Choreographic Theatre Workshop in Paris; and at the Roy Hart Centre in the Cevennes. In the '80's she performed in Pantheatre's productions: "Poesis", "Demeter", "Ovid's Metamophoses"


    In memoriam


"Sweet dreams Liza. You'll be deeply missed and always remembered with love"

Marta Cenedese, Italy / Cambridge UK

Saudades Liza estarás sempre no meu coração
João Charepe / Portugal

She will always remain the baby sister I adored - then the strong and noble person she became.

Cotton Aimers / Liza's older sister, Canada

Liza was merrily singing her message...

MEMORIES   Amy Rome / UK and USA

“Sweet dreams” for Her, it’s only a pity, that I knew her so late….beautiful Liza.

Un sorriso e frori bianchi per Lei.

Katia Perone / Milano

E’ come se sentissi ancora la sua forte voce,… so strong I would say. First time I could hear her voice unexpectedly, I was fully excited, she was calling me by skype, because she had to book the rooms in Malerargues last May, during the Lab-Oratory. How much I was surprised by her voice… when the call finished I was deeply happy, because her voice left me something strong and special inside of me.

...she has a sweet and strong lasting effect in our lives.   She will always be a soul-sister — wherever her location - France, Canada, or elsewhere.  We send this with widest, deepest love and wishes for soft dreams.
James Hillman and Margot McLean / USA

Je garde le souvenir d'une professeure dont on aurait volontiers fait une amie tant ses cours, sa façon de transmettre étaient remplis d'attention et de sensibilité envers chaque étudiant.

Emmanuelle Gal, France

« Qu'elle est belle notre Liza dans sa robe jaune………….moi j’ai envie de dire ………que son repos soit doux comme son cœur fut bon !

……C’est aussi la phrase que j’ai donné à mon père lorsqu’il est parti !.... »

Béa, Béatrice David / Malérargues

I remember one morning at La Chartreuse...

HOMMAGE and MEMORIES    Nick Hobbs / Istambul - UK

I've felt so priviledged to have Liza's support & friendship recently, and have felt blessed by her warm generosity of spirit.

Maggi Stratford, UK

Liza, you are on your way now and I can still sense you smiling at us. We'll be fine, go on, we've had enough to eat and drink, yes plenty of rest and...Ice cream?!
Sweet, sweet Liza, thank you. You have taught me so much. Whether in the studio, at a Paris cafe, through books, lunch, tea or sporadic and quirky bits of wisdom, your presence has been a gift of caring, generosity, intelligence, wit, vision, independence and rye laughter! A gentle voice with a strong opinion, you kept us on our feet and on our toes! This I will cherish always.

Sharon Feder / Switzeland and Canada

...Tu m'as montré le chemin de la douceur dans le travail de la voix. J'ai compris grâce à toi que je pouvais chanter sans souffrir, sans me crisper, et c'est un cadeau inestimable. Merci mille fois. Tu m'as montré aussi comment transmettre avec humour, douceur, simplicité, humblement, sans se prendre au sérieux. Tu as une telle tendresse dans ta façon d'enseigner. Vraiment, j'ai eu de la chance de t'avoir pour professeur...

Maryline Guitton, Paris

Is your soul already taking care of others? Handing out protein bars to the angels for dessert, teaching them to let their knees "plop" down and giving your two cents to the unknown... or perhaps telling it not to make such a fuss!

Thank you for your voice, for finding ours, for being strong, for being bold
Thank you for you time, your wit, your love
You will be dearly missed 
...and what a beautiful gift that is. 

Naima Phillips, Canada / USA

Feb. 3 2010    ...I've attached a short piece I wrote for a reading my playwrighting class did soon after Liza's death.

Nous avons partagé le plaisir de boire du bon vin, de la nourriture ensemble et nous avons bien parlé de ce que nous aimions toutes les deux. C'est vrai qu'à un moment j'ai eu l'impression que je lui disais ADIEU. Aussi, elle m'a remis une photo de moi et de mes deux fils qu'elle avait retrouvé par hasard dans un livre de la bibliothèque ! Ö les mystères de la vie: la photo datait de 1978. Oui, elle aimait bien que je lui parle de mes enfants dont elle se souvenait parfaitement .

Michèle Laforest / France

Enjoy your new life Liza, here we will miss you!

POEM    Faroque Khan / UK and Poland

Liza est dans mon coeur depuis de nombreuses années.
C'est là que je m'adresse à elle aujourd'hui pour l'accompagner
de mon affection et de ma tendresse qu'elle savait bien.

Robert Sentieys / Paris


Laura Fuentes Matus / Chile

I remember how she learned to walk in Haiti when we lived there. On a wide porch where we played she'd push a doll carriage about, then she pushed a stick through the air, then she could walk. Such a metaphor that stick.

Lucy McKee, Liza's sister

Panthéâtre, Enrique, Linda, tous les parents et amis présents, je vous demanderais d’applaudir très fort la mémoire de notre chère Liza qui ne cessera jamais de nous sourire.

POEME  de Paula Clermont-Péan / Haïti

  ...a smiling Liza, enigmatic and knowing in her stillness

POEM   from Kevin Crawford / Italy, France

I know Ellen is trying to locate the sound of Liza singing the shaman's song-- so beautifully in Mary Wept.  There's another tape I have of her reading the entire ms. poem of my End of the Iron Age.  I find I'm a little hesitant to listen to it because I know it will overwhelm...  she so inhabited her voice.

Nor Hall, USA

I loved this balance of amused tolerance, frankness and wit. For me (skeptic that I am) Liza was an anchor, an essential of my visits to Pantheatre...

  HOMMAGE and MEMORIES      Richard Talbot / Triangle, Coventry, UK

Me voila dans le fin fond de Buenos Aires dans un tout petit cyber cafe et je decouvre ce mail.

Je garde un souvenir tres fort de Liza, full of love, and support for everyone,support, positive and strong energy, generosity.

Pierre-François Blanchard / France

... for always making things better somehow for her having seen them ...

DEAR LIZA      Elisa Matula / New York

Merci Liza, ta patience et ta douceur m’ont permis de prendre conscience de ma voix et de commencer à y faire confiance.
C’est un cadeau immense qui m’a ouvert un monde merveilleux et complètement nouveau.
Merci pour ce que tu m’as apporté et pour ce que tu as apporté, j’en suis certain, à beaucoup d’autres.

Alain Wegmann / Suisse

Je penserai longtemps à Liza grande dame que j'ai peu connu, mais qui m'a beaucoup donné ...

Jean Ménigault / Paris - Italie

I have been thinking of some of the lines of the role she did so beautifully in 'Mary Wept" and also the  Tom Waitts song she sang which broke everyone's heart every time.

That was such a brave venture for her and am so glad she took that leap back then.

LIZA's LINES      Ellen Hemphill / USA

I had such pleasure in knowing her and having her help, generosity and cracking humour over in France last year. I loved the feel of her apartment with it's books and view and history, and just knowing she was around.
 I feel priviledged to have known her and also to have studied with her.

Farewell Liza, fly well you generous spirit!

Sally Stockwell / New Zealand

You and Venice, you both have taught me to be aware, aware of my body, my feelings, my breathing, to feel not only how my voice is rising from the body, but what that means to my personality. Specially you have given me a broad hint to take care with tenderness (not only for my fellows but) for myself too.

Lydia Tyrakowdki-Cebulla / Germany

J'ai souvent ri avec elle, et son rire et ses blagues vont me manquer. Ce sera cruel de retrouver un Malérargues dont elle sera absente.

Catherine Bédarrida / Lasalle et Paris

Into the majestic realm dear Liza has passed. The golden lady, faithful friend, deeply sincere in her ideals, often mysterious, yet always caring and full of concern for others...

Kaya Anderson / Malérargues estremeció como mujer, estuvo en Granada, con una visita breve pero muy especial.

Garbiñe Tolosa / Pais Vasco

Aujourd'hui, Liza-cathédrale, enjoy, chantant ses amis
compositeurs d'Espagne, avec ses voix
à faire vibrer le cristal, chante pour moi. Merci, Liza !

DEDICACE     Richard Bruston / Montpellier

Your posture and voice, your whole being always made me feel at ease and your strength is a life example for me. I want to thank you for all that.

Zwaantje de Vries / Holland

La première fois que je l'ai vue, c'était en Arles. Le RHT donnait "La Tempête" ! Si mes souvenirs sont bons, le spectacle debutait par une suite d'échauffements collectifs que menait Lizza...

Ce qu'elle était, ce qu'elle donnait, sa générosité en vérité, qui n'avait d'égal que sa réserve, sa pudeur (même dans son rire...)  Son attention aux autres, au détriment parfois de sa propre personne, tout ce qui faisait d'elle une femme magnifique.

Dominique Dupuy / Paris

When I told Saro, he reacted with a long descending "oh" and then he was saying that now Liza won't see Santa Claus...

She was such a treasure in many respects with all her good spirit, her encouragement, empathy, the right words in the right moment, the unique melody in her speaking voice... her sweet humour...

Edda and Ulrik / Germany and Malérargues

Liza, you are the rare combination of overflowing generosity, patience, humor and wisdom that nurtured the best in all of us. You have sunk your roots deep in my heart and I sense your spirit is not far away. You live in each life that you have touched.

Grace Zandarski / New York

si je suis triste c'est parce que j'ai eu la chance de rencontrer Liza, de profiter de sa gaité, de sa pertinence (et de son impertinence), de son humour et de sa gentillesse.

Hélène Martinot / Paris

I first met Liza when she (and you) came to Buffalo, NY in 1986. She extended her friendship to me and I have been the richer for it, ever since. I've attended many workshops at Malerargues with Liza, Linda, Venice, etc. All of these have been wonderful. I was always amazed by the quality of listening, of those at Roy Hart and Pantheatre.
Liza was (is) one of a kind. Her humor and loveliness are lasting gifts to us.

Susan Quaintance / USA

Yes Liza Sweet Dreams. My thoughts are with you and the wonderful gifts you bestowd on so many of us. May your spirit be carried to the Light.

Maria Fernandez / Amsterdam

Me quedo con la imagen de sus ojos de cielo tan bellos, su sonrisa y su amable presencia.

Silvia Quirico / Argentina

I only got to know a small piece of Liza, and that small piece was huge..she was such a big soul, yes, Ceres. I wish I had heard her sing, I wish I had been able to come last summer, I wish...

Ruthanne Martin / USA

I only wish I had known Liza longer, she offered me so much support, colour and humour in the short time I knew her, she was a truly beautiful person.

Katie Louise Naish / UK

... gave me such a feeling of easyness, irony and wellcomeness. Yes her missing support in MAlerargues will make a big hole. Her care for everyone and clear understanding of situation gave a lot to everyone. I loved this sensitive woman wrapped in an kind of cowboycloses ----- we had a lot of fun and a feeling for each other.

Susanne Weins / Germany and Malérargues

It is sad to think that I will not see her again, not hear her again, not have the pleasure and luxury of her gentle and reassuring presence and comments, that inspired and motivated for opening up and let sing, and for breathing deeply and relaxed. 

Benedicte Blix / Norway

...dites lui qu'on pense très chaleureusement à elle à Lasalle, dans la Chorale et surtout dans nos cœurs.

Christophe Lombard / Lasalle

Su persona y su trabajo estarán imborrables en mi corazón.
Os quiero mucho, un abrazo inmenso

Rocio Muñoz / España

...j'imagine l'espace que la disparition de Liza a ouvert en vous. Vous, ses compagnons, ses alliés. 
D'un côté, l'espace vide, cette fracture immense, son absence physique, De l'autre cet espace plein, votre amitié si riche qui donne alors des ressorts à une autre forme de relation, de ressentis qui ouvrent d'autres brèches. Le champs des possibles, entre vous.  Liza fut inspirante pour tant de personnes, elle le demeure, mais elle doit résonner d'autant plus en vous que vous aviez développé une complicité quasi fraternelle qui savait se passer de mots pour exister. Intuitive, je dirais.

Ces liens sont vivaces, bien puissants. L'invisible, c'est aussi la vie, en fait. C'est une superbe idée d'inviter les gens à planter des arbres ou des plantes dans le jardin de sa maison à Malérargues

France Hervé / Paris

I will miss Lisa's presence, her gentle, intelligent awareness and her humour. She is irreplaceable and unique.

Margaret Pikes / UK, Germany, Malérargues

Lizy was the one who introduced me to all the magnificent work off pantheatre..opened me up as an actor and gave me always so much love... she is engraved in my heart, my body and my soul for ever...

Peter Rouffaer / Belgium

Her patient work with me on songs, both vocally and at the piano meant a lot to me, as she was the one, not Roy, who worked on my voice and allowed me to hear it for the first time.

Noah Pikes / Switzerland and Malérargues

Le studio DTM restera imprégné de sa présence, marqué par son extrême gentillesse, son écoute sensible et son entière disponibilité.

Bernard et Elisabeth / Studio DTM, Paris

i came home, and found a picture, the only one i have of her here in jersey city (others in corsica), dancing and singing with me, jonathan, and barry in the tempest. beauty and great energy.

Richard Armstrong / USA

Dear Liza. You were such an incredible woman who touched me in so many ways. When I first came to Paris in 2006 you took great care of me, and for this I will always be grateful. I learnt so much from you, about the voice, about breath, about humour and generosity. You welcomed me into your home in Malerargues, you shared your thoughts and your clear, incisive wisdom. I cherish my memories of you. May the light of your spirit live on. Love and sunshine. xoxo

Jacklyn Bassanelli / Australia

She was so kind, inspiring and funny, even though she was ill when we were at Malérargues in June.  Her laughter at Johanna's Lord Reason and the raging Fury who got infected with the German accent is a kind of light confidence that's inside me whenever we perform. 

Glenda Cloughley / Australia

Lizi descansó hace unos días pero ahora ya no está mas entre nosotros a pesar de que su risa, su humor, su maravilloso tono de voz su gentileza y generosidad, su manera de contar las cosas sus historias, su disfrute de la comida que le preparaba, siempre, siempre permanecerán muy cerca y lloro mucho, porque estoy muy triste y busco la luz de paz y tranquilidad.
Que sigamos unidos que nos querramos todos mucho que la mano del otro esté siempre alli como ella lo hizo

Diana Pardo / Madrid

We used to discuss American politics in a way that only two expats could...She was always a presence of grace and generosity and I will miss her smile.

Diane Sadak / USA

Liza and I pretended both to be dating Prince Charles.  Each morning at her post box we would review the previous night's "soiree." Such fun.
Terri Morris / USA

who now will go and light a candle for Liza

Torill Edvardsen / Norway

We say in Ukraine - let her soul fly easy and peacefull

Mariana Sadowska / Ukraine and Germany

I was deeply fond of Liza. Since my first time in Malérargues I was touched by her approach to teaching that went far beond singing. She could see through people and encourage them with compassion and determination. Knowledge and experience were just tools serving her concern to develop people's inner gift and life, and allowing to manifest themselves.

I will greatly miss her.

Ava Loiacono-Husain / Italy-Switzerland

Gracias Liza, brevemente

Mercedes Sosa : Zamba para no morir      Veronica Endo / Paris - Peru

Avrei voluto vederti incazzata, almeno una volta, per sentire come si arrabbiano gli angeli.
Avrei voluto sentirti raccontare più storie, ma un mondo così ricco non si può esprimere a parole.
Avrei voluto dirti che mi sento molto simile a te, ma con meno cuore di te e meno disponibilità verso gli altri.
Oggi un barbone mendicava per la strada  un "that's it" o per lo meno un "it doesn't matter"; se ti avesse conosciuta sarebbe stato uno sceicco.

Frabrizio Scaglia / Italia

c'est ta voix chaude et grave que j'entends toujours en moi, celle qui dit quand j'attaquais un son dans l'essoufflement : "Respire, prends ton temps, tu as le temps, tu as tout ton temps", timbre et mots qui ont été à la base d'un bouleversement total de ma vie.
C'est un peu de toi encore chaque fois que j'inspire et que j'expire.
A toi, Liza, le frémissement des étoiles de ce ciel du Sud que tu aimais tant, ah, c'est dur pour moi de savoir que tu n'es plus. 

Rosemarie Racine, Lausanne Suisse

Liza, elle fait partie de ces personnes qui sont éternelles même lorsqu'on ne les revoit plus car elle a été fondatrice d'une nouvelle vie que je recommençais.
Un maître comme disent les Orientaux, et je la reconnais en tant que tel (-le).

I hope you manage to think of her smiling and working hard. I send you a big hug from all Odin people

Julia Varley / Denmark

I vividly remember in my stay at Malérargues, that I found myself talking to her on an impromptu walk about theatre, the voice and other things in a very engaged and deep way....all I remember is thinking afterwards, hey I don't know this person, and here I am engaging with her in a level I only usually do with trusted friends, I think that is what stroke me most, how easily she inspired trust in me and it felt just right

Ignacio Jarquin / UK , Mexico

...I was just reading your memorial letter and realized that I spontaneously sang "Duermete Lucerito" at a dinner party here, last week. She must have been in the air.

Bisan Toron / USA, Syria

I remember her so clearly.
And will always hear in my ear her words "Just for you"
She must have inspired many people and so she lives on in them, and in me.

Peter Hulton / UK

Liza tan libre como el viento y tan prudente como una planta que sabe escuchar detenidamente, sabe respirar profundamente y cuando es su momento de participar, lo hace sabiamente aportando siempre algo valioso; sabía en verdad transformar el dióxido de carbono en oxígeno: eso logró en mí al escuchar mis más profundas dudas y las supo encauzar en la confianza por mi voz (y mi persona). GRACIAS ETERNAS.

Brenda Coello / Mexico

We have such loving memories of her   and  we admired her creative and  critical intelligence. It is with great sadness that we acknowledge her  passing. She will remain in our memories as the wonderful person that she was.

Silvia and Charles Enfield / Australia

I will always remember Lisa with all her warmth and good humour, and our fine meetings in Malérargues and Villeneuve-lez-Avignon.

Gunilla Bergerham / Sweden

Liza reste pour moi celle qui m'a accompagnée lors du festival dédié à Aphrodite, déesse de l'amour elle en avait le sourire et le coeur

Michaëlla Gallozzi / France

...grateful for the conversations and for having had her as such a friendly, good-humoured and attentive audience to our first attempts at putting this 2 person version of our Gifts of the Fuires together.

Johanna McBride / Australia

I can only say how glad I am that I met her and worked with her, and count her as an important part of my own vocal coming-forth.

Mary Benefield / UK

We are all terribly sorry to learn of Liza's passing.
You have our deepest sympathy.

The Pirate's Alley Faulkner Society / Words & Music, New Orleans, LA

I only met Liza five times but can remember each and every time exactly.

Stuart Lynch / Danemark

Espero que Liza esté descanzando y su legado sin duda vive entre nosotros quienes la recordaremos siempre con mucho cariño y admiración.

Carolina Larenas / Chile

It was with great shock that we read of the passing of Liza. I suppose some people really seem so vibrant and full of energy when you meet them that it doesn't fit easily with the reality of seasons passing.  Although we were only with her in 2000 and then 2005, Liza struck me as one of these people.
We remember Liza being the first to come out and so warmly greet us at Malerargues after we had travelled so far (from New Zealand). She took our sick friend Pipi to the doctor. We remember her incredible warmth and humanity, and kindness, like a bodhisattva.  More than just these acts - her very energy, her attention, her listening.
 I see her flying off into great joy. The work she committed her life to has been passed into so many hands, including all the way down here, to the South Seas. It is precious.
Liza is truely a beautiful soul and a blessing to us all. We remember her with great warmth and respect.

Rhys and Jessica Latton, (Demitrius and Margot)  /  New Zealand

Of course a lot of images from our meetings are coming up. I try myself to use her warm open energy in my own work. ... Merry Christmas to you all and Merry Christmas to Liza wherever she is.

Tom Thulin / Sweden

J'éprouve un immense chagrin en recevant ce mail...  Liza m'a donné beaucoup, il y a longtemps certes, mais ce qu'elle m'a donné m'a permis d'avancer mieux dans ma vie... Et plus récemment, son sourire, son courage m'ont été leçon de vie... Au -revoir Liza, reçois toute l'affection de "ta pote" ainsi que tu m'appelais... tu es dans mon coeur à jamais...

Dominique Gaillot-Monville / Paris

Sentimos mucho la pérdida de la Maestra Mayer. Sabemos del gran legado que nos otorga, junto con Ustedes, y esperamos que se recuperen con el valor, la fuerza y la creatividad que los ha caracterizado siempre. Abrazo sonoro.

Adria Peña Flores / Sonora, México

I will always remember the beauty, personality and the way Liza tought me so many things... With love,

Ramón Bermejo  /  Spain

yes sweat dreams Liza... she is now singing with the angels.... chut ...  we are listening to the sweet ...... it consoles hearts..

Natalie Schaevers / Paris

Liza was the 'gatekeeper' for me...

THE GATEKEEPER   Jill Brown / Australia

It seems unfair that someone so generous of spirit should be gone already. It pains me to hear that the cancer returned, and I hope that her time of unwellness was not long or too painful.

I remember her support of me when I arrived in Paris, giving me advice about oncologists and health food shops. She helped me overcome my fears that it was too soon after my cancer to travel. She rescued me from a lonely Christmas by inviting me to Malerargues and lending me her car, and I remember sitting in her apartment having a meal, talking about cancer and about getting on with life. I am very sad that she was not allowed to age slowly and to die, cancer-free at a much later time.

I will remember her gentleness and generosity, her wry humour, and her teaching, from which I still benefit. The photo is from summer 2005. It's a cherished memory.

Robyn Winslow / Australia

Un piccolo quadrifoglio a tutti voi,
come portafortuna dell'Anno Nuovo,
a Pantheatre, in memoria di Liza Mayer.

Anja Grubic / Italia

Qu’elle dommage pour une femme trés formidable.  Elle etait bien connu , elle etait maintenant  une etolie -  le mieux de l’espirit pour les homes pan………

...She was also a strategist -  Diana – she was most inspirational for me in times of decision making.

Kia kaha nga whanau o Liza, I muri I o koutou tiini aituaa, nga mate e haere, haere , haere a  ki te reinga wairua, e moe , e moe , e moe - rangimarie…………….  Arohanui,

Merenia Gray / New Zealand

Décembre 2009

   Samedi , Dimanche  , Lundi , la douceur de l'air nous enveloppe et nous fait croire au retour de l'été .

                                               Mardi 8 , vif ,lumineux, le début de la nuit  retient notre souffle,

                   Mercredi , Jeudi , Vendredi 11,
      une brise légère accompagne quelques nimbus qui s'étirent nonchalamment dans un azur clément  ,

         Samedi12, le froid s'abat pluvieux ;
                Dimanche 13 , quelques flocons de neige .
                                                                                                                  L'hiver nous happe .
                                                                                                                Le chagrin nous envahit .
                                                                                                              L'absence  laboure notre énergie .

                                                           Demeterre nous guide vers de prochaines semailles ...

Marianne Le Tron / Thoiras - Malérargues

...que rabia lo de Liza, yo siento rabia, porque no entiendo el cáncer en una persona como Liza, tierna, blanda, suave, tan consciente de su cuerpo y de su energía… no lo entiendo.

A mi Liza me puso en contacto con la ternura de mi voz, con la blandura de mi cuello y de mi garganta, me enseño mucho sobre la suavidad, sobre el no esfuerzo, fue muy curativa para mí y la tengo muy muy  presente desde aquel enero de 1998 en que entró en mi vida,  la quiero mucho y  siempre la voy a tener en mi corazón.

Charo Sanchez / Sevilla

purtroppo ho visto Liza solo una volta quest'estate a Malerargue ma ho potuto sentire la forza della sua presenza e il calore della sua accoglienza: mi abbracciò come una vecchia conoscenza e mi annunciò che avrei avuto una bella sorpresa, quella di trovare lì una persona che conoscevo. Me lo disse felice come se quella fosse una gioia comune, con una complicità che dimostrava la sua grande capacità di amare. Quel gesto affettuoso è rimasto nel mio cuore... Addio Liza, buon viaggio...

Clara Murtas / Cagliari

Dear Liza... So far I consider myself lucky (or blessed even) for having had good fortune in meeting various angels in human form. Some were there to guide and teach me, some to challenge or make me laugh, others to offer comfort and support and yet others to simply make the experience at the time richer and somehow more special by their sheer presence, but I must admit that even among them none, save a few, were graced with Your effortless nobility and radiant uncompromising humanity... Starting from Your voice (the first point of contact between us, on the phone) to Your living presence and in spite of a very limited time I've known You, You've left and will remain for me a vivid picture of grace and kindness, warmth and nobility of human spirit... What great assets to bring to whatever shores you happen to land on now, hey! I wish You smooth sailing, beautiful soul... My heart sings with joy for having met and known You. You will be keenly missed.

Dusan Durovic / Serbia & Italy & UK

le départ de liza me touche beaucoup elle si généreuse un don faite femme

je souhaite bon courage a tous et a elle un beau voyage vers je ne sais quoi

Yvan Corbineau / France

C'est avec grande tristesse que j'apprends le départ de Liza. Je garde en mémoire son sourire si chaleureux. Quelle merveilleuse personne!
Recevez tous mon amitié.

Claudine Morand / Auréillac

Je garde un souvenir tendre et chaleureux de Liza avec qui j'avais repris quelque temps (il y a deux ans) un échange de mail. Puis prise par son travail, ses voyages (elle ne m'a pas parlé de sa maladie) je n'ai plus eu de nouvelles......Je pensais reprendre contact avec elle. Quel choc !

Nadine CONSTANS / France

Je garde le souvenir d'une belle voix, d'une présence réconfortante et chaleureuse, une belle personne. Au milieu des vies trépidantes et des énergies tumultueuses de Malérargues et de Fontvieille, elle restait d'un calme olympien...

Annie CORBIER / Alès, France

To my dearest Liza,
I'm glad to be one of your students that I have no doubt to have stayed in Paris for my theatre and voice training. Through your patience, caring, kindness and sincerity, had shown you were not only my great teacher who brought me new insights of singing/voice, but more close like a grandmother who kept me warm in heart.
Miss you and love you forever.
Kylie W Choy  / Hong Kong

This is sad, sad, news indeed. I am so sorry that I did not get to work with Liza again as I had hoped and planned. The all too short time I did get to spend with her has had a real and lasting effect on my own teaching, and I know her spirit lives on in the work of countless others.

And for all that I train actors in voice, it was through her that I discovered that I had any sort of singing voice at all...

Roger Smart / USA

Liza’s way of teaching was characterized by the particular attention she gave to each voice. She accompanied you step by step, explaining patiently, encouraging you and rejoicing with you.

She understood how to coax out what was hidden and create opportunities for playfulness in performance.

I will never forget my lessons with her in Paris and in Malerargues.

I met her 12 years ago. She left me with a great portion of trust in my voice and the strength to continue my studies and become a voice teacher myself. I hadn’t seen her for years.

What a pity.
Thank you, Liza, au revoir.

Suzanne Schwartz / Wiesbaden, Germany

 31.12.2009 Wiesbaden/Germany

Liza was so very generous to me in during my visits to the Centre, welcoming me with her warmth and gracious ease when I was a stranger living and working in this unique community.  She shared with me her home, her experiences with “the work” and was delightfully unabashed in her sharing of personal insights into life with the RHT, her challenges and questions, her successes and struggles, and - from her heart - her love and admiration for all.  We laughed together over tea (and a dinner I shall never forget) and she encouraged my individual interests and personal journey with the Voice. It was Liza who thoughtfully, after a conversation about my attraction to ritual lamentation and a trip to Lebanon, recommended a book that I have continued to reread each year – “Reading Lolita in Teheran”.

Marya Lowry / USA

La mia voce é cambiata da quando ho avuto la fortuna di incontrare Liza: grazie a lei, grazie al suo amore per la sua arte per quello che faceva. Sono fortunata ad averla avuta come prima Maestra. Grazie Liza!

Laura Parodi / Genova - Italia

So for Liza, some words from T.S. Eliot 'East Coker' :

"Home is where one starts from...
Love is most nearly itself when here and now cease to matter.
Old men should be explorers
Here and there does not matter
We must be still and still moving
Into another intensity
For a further union, a deeper communion...
In my end is my beginning

much love to you Liza. I still hear your voice and feel your presence.

Delphine Sagar / France

Sincronicamente he estado hablando mucho de ella a mis alumnos y colegas, en relación a lo fundamental que personas experimentadas enseñen las bases del trabajo técnico vocal, contaba que ella enseñaba el ABC del trabajo vocal y que enseñaba con gran paciencia y ternura, tengo hermosas recuerdos y preciadas enseñanzas.

Solange Duran / Chile

Je partage à ma façon votre tristesse et votre affection pour cette si jolie Dame.
Je suis heureux de l'avoir vu l'été dernier. Je passais par les Cévennes avec ma compagne Corine et mon fils Elie et je leur ai proposé de découvrir Malérargues, ce lieu important dans mon initiation d'homme et d'acteur. Je redécouvrais le château et les innombrables lieux où j'avais vécu tant d'expériences. Il n'y avait personne dehors et je me sentais un peu triste de ne pas voir les visages familiers que sans doute inconsciemment je m'attendais à trouver, et en particulier celui de Liza.
 En passant devant les studios, j'étais ému et mon fils qui l'a remarqué m'a demandé pourquoi.
 J'essaye alors de lui expliquer en quoi ce que j'ai vécu ici influence encore mon travail d'acteur et puis je commence à lui raconter une leçon de chant avec Liza, un de ces nombreux moments où elle m'a tant appris sur moi même. Cette leçon continue à travailler en moi, à me travailler.
 Et soudain j'ai aperçu un training bleu et au dessus sous une couronne de cheveux blonds un sourire d'ange et Liza était là et m'accueillait dans ses bras chaleureux forts et tendres. Le temps d'un repas et d'un thé nous avons évoqué nos vies, nos souvenirs, les amis, les aventures, sa santé.
 Je sais que toujours elle m'accompagne, que toujours son esprit bienveillant et son sourire exigeant et tendre planeront autour de nous.

Bruno Abraham Kremer / Paris

Though I only knew Liza but for a moment in time, I still hold her incrediable presence in my minds eye. She instantly instilled a feeling of security and anything could happen and lets have some fun with the unknown. I never got the chance to tell her how I appreciated those feelings she so warmly gifted  to me from the sound of her voice and the glint in her eye.  Thank you, a remarkable woman, so beautiful to know she was with you all and in her beautiful surroundings.

Kirsten McIver / UK, New Zealand

Je me souviens en particulier, lors de mon premier stage Afdas au Pantheatre, d'un cours de Liza : elle demandait a un copain d'atelier, de reprendre son texte, plus lentement... puis : plus lentement encore, puis encore plus lentement...

et d'une fois sur l'autre, je sentais, la voix se placer, la parole se densifier, la presence s'epanouir...

Ralph Nataf / France

I still do an exercise she taught me every morning and have many good memories of her, including the day she drove all the way to the train station to pick me up the when I first came to Malerargues. I think the last time I saw Liza was when she came with you and Linda to see Venice in hospital in August 2004.

Joanna Foster / UK

I was and remain terribly sorry to hear about Liza's passing. In the short time that I knew her, she proved to be one of themost remarkable people I had ever met. I remember being struck by the fact that she began and ended every correspondence with "thank you," and she motivated me to be similarly caring and thankful when corresponding with people.  I'll also never forget how much she took care of me when I arrived in Malerargues--she felt like a grandmother. And of course I will always remember of the festival 2008 when I addressed my monologue (fuck you, scheherazade!) to Liza. She has crossed my mind, I think, most every day since December.

Nate Spear / USA


Liza yellow dress
LM 2006

Liza performing

LM Ovid

LM hello

LM 1978

Liza Mary Wept
Liza Tempest
Liza close-up
Liza muesli
Liza & Vicente
Liza visage
Liza Poesis
Liza sunflower